Wednesday, October 24, 2012

On My Own

Well, yesterday I was able to have Augie all to myself for about an hour and a half.  His Mommy had to go to the doctor and his Papa was working.   Enter...Nana to the rescue.

I have to admit I was a bit nervous. . Yes, even after giving birth to and raising three children, I was wondering if I could handle this job.  After all, he is brand new (just over 3 weeks) and I have not done this new baby thing in over 34 years.  We did just fine.  Of course, he was in complete control and I did everything he asked for.  Rock, hold, snuggle, sing, rock some more, walk around some, change his diaper, feed him and then I started the whole routine over again.  That's the way it goes.

The rocking and holding and walking and snuggling was the easy part. It was that holding and getting the diaper stuff and bottle ready that I thought might be tricky.  Well, it actually went easier than I thought.  I thought maybe I had forgotten how to hold with one arm and get everything ready with the other.  Miraculously, it all came back to me.  I got the bottle ready with one arm/hand and held Augie with the other.  While the bottle was warming, I took him in one arm and got the diaper routine ready.  He loves to have his diaper off and lay on the changing table. He turns his head and looks around every time.  I don't know what it is about it, but he loves it.  It is a bright room with beautiful afternoon lighting.  Maybe that is it or maybe it is having his bottom free from the restraints of a diaper that he loves.  We were headed out the door to get the bottle when I heard the sound of something in the diaper area. Oops...back to the changing table we went for another diaper change.  Then, off to the kitchen for that bottle.  He seemed pretty content in my arms while drinking his bottle that his Mommy had ready for him.  I know he prefers her skin to skin, but the bottle is a great substitute when she isn't handy.  He gave 3 "big boy burps" during this event and was wide awake the entire time.  I thought I would put him down on his "boppy"for a minute and take a picture and then Mommy came to the door and was ready to have him in her arms again. She misses him so much when she is away from him.  I totally understand that. 

So, I think Augie and I did okay alone yesterday.  I think we are ready to go solo now.  Mommy has physical therapy twice a week for a back issue and in another few weeks she will be working one day a week.  Those will be Augie and Nana days.  I am so happy to be able to do this for Augie and help his Mommy and Daddy feel better about leaving him.  I know it must be hard for them.  They are so appreciative and I think I should be the one thanking them.  First for having confidence in me to take care of this precious little life and second for giving me this special time to be with my grandson.  His Granda is looking forward to retiring (again) soon and spending time with him too.  What a gift this little guy is.  How blessed we are.  I can't wait for our next day together Augie.

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