Wednesday, October 3, 2012

About Last Summer

In my prior blog, I had attempted to put a list of the top10  best things about last summer.  I am wordy, to say the least and only made 5 on my first try.  When I went back to put the other 5, that's when the problems came with inserted pictures and saving the files. I am again, attempting once more to go back and get the best of the best about last summer.

Number Six -- The Annual Snapshot at the Airport 
This is always our very first picture of the season. Always, a picture in front of the lovely desert landscape at the airport.  There is no movement toward the car with all that luggage, until this picture has been taken.  It is a lovely way to document our excitement and joy and how Sojo has grown.
Number Seven --The Labyrinth
Sojo is the only 5 year old that I know, who knows about the labyrinth. She walked her first one when she was about 1 1/2 years old. It was a lovely one we found nestled in the woods at a park on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.  We have one in our yard and she walks it every year.  I am not saying she understands all the ways in which a person can use it, but she knows it is something that you walk and reflect on.  This was the first year she actually stayed on the path.  She is usually jumping the rocks...which is absolutely fine.  We all meditate and pray in different ways. 
Number Eight -- 3 D Movies
Why on earth don't the movie theatres have at least two sizes of for kids and one for adults? Especially, when it is a movie for kids. Sojo didn't seem to mind though.  She seemed to enjoy the movie.  Maybe the scary bear wouldn't have been quite so scary, if he hadn't been in 3 D.  In spite of this, I think she looks darn cute in those glasses.
Number Nine -- Oh, You Crazy Cake
Sojo has a lot of food allergies, so trying to find a special treat for her.  I remembered a cake that my mother used to make that didn't have any dairy, eggs or is called Crazy Cake.  It is sometimes also called Depression Cake because it was popular during the Great Depression when rich foods like dairy and eggs were hard to find and afford.  It could also be called Depression Cake because you put three depressions in the dry ingredients you have put into the cake pan.  I personally like just plain ole Crazy Cake.  Sojo is pouring the water over all of it before she mixes it up. I like it with a bit of frosting, but Sojo likes it plain.  I love that this is a cake that I made with my mother and with my kids and now Sojo.
Number Ten -- The Artist
Sojo has become quite the artist. Whether she is using crayons, water colors, colored pencils or modeling clay, she is really quite good.  Especially, when it comes to things like drawing people and Angry Birds.  Here she simply took clay and spelled her name.  That was before she made every Angry Bird there is, using all the colors that each Angry Bird needs to make it unique.
Number Eleven -- Two of My Favorite Girls
I know, I went over my 10 best things, but hey, who could leave this one out. Two of my very favorite girls with smiles that melt my heart. This is the reason I love summer.
 My least favorite thing about the summer is that it always ends and that means a trip to the airport to send them off to wherever it is they are off to.  No picture of us around the cacti this time.  No celebration.  It is a time for goodbyes and well wishes for the time we are apart.  Until the next time, it is blogs, emails and Skype calls.  We watch them walk away and start counting the days until we meet again.  Yes, we even count our blessings when we say goodbye.  We are blessed that we have summer every single year.

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