Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Paris...Through The Eyes of a Child

We all were in agreement that we had to plan this trip around Sojo's likes and dislikes and interests.  We  had been here before, so anything we saw or did, was simply icing on the cake to us.  And so it was, seeing Paris through the eyes of Sojo.

The "E" family arrived around 10:30 am from an overnight flight from Bahrain.  They pretty much threw their bags in the bedroom and off we went.  No time to dilly dally.  The first day, we just scoped out the area, finding the local bakery, Carrefour (grocery store where we could get cheese and wine), the Metro, etc. The area of Rue du Dragon was perfect, just one half block from St. Germain des Pres. This brought the Metro close, as well as Cafes and Brasseries close by; like Brasserie Lipp, Cafe Flores and Les Deux Magots, where literary giants of the world hung out after WWII. We didn't eat at any of the ones mentioned.  They were too crowded.  We did however got to Cafe Louise, which was right beside Brasserie Lipp and quite good.  Tara and Dale snuck away a couple of times for a glass of wine and dessert, listening to some jazz as well. 

Favorite Sight:  the Eiffel Tower.  It was quite a cool day and very cloudy, even a bit of drizzle.  It didn't dampen our enthusiasm, though we might have climbed up it if it had been warmer.  The carousel wasn't even running that day because of the damp chill in the air.  Sojo loved it and just seeing it was probably just enough for her.  She drew a beautiful picture of all of us in front of it.  She even included the pigeon who photo bombed our actual photograph of the family. 

Favorite Mode of Transportation:  Probably, the Metro...quick, easy, cheap and always a surprise.

Favorite Bookstore(and there are many):  Shakespeare & Company.  

Most Unusual Sightings:

Favorite Musee: the Musee d'Orsay.  This was a must visit for the trip.  We had given Sojo a book during the summer to prepare her for the trip.  She is so much the artist, that we thought the book was a perfect way to introduce her to Paris Museums.  We personally, from our experience here, thought that the Louvre was a bit over the top...too big, too busy, too many people everywhere.  Maybe when she comes back to Paris.  We had been to the M'O and thought it perfect for everyone from 7-70.  She loved it.  She brought her book called "My Little Orsay" which highlighted several pieces.  We walked around and found several of them.  She sat a couple of times drawing her impressions.  And when she was ready, we left.  Just enough for everyone. 

Favorite Jardin/Park:  jardin l'acclimation.   This particular garden is technically outside Paris; on the fringes.  Friends that Tara and Dale worked with in Shanghai, now work in Paris.  He is the Head Master/Principal at a school and she is a stay at home Mom.  They have a daughter who is Sojo's age and the girls played together in Shanghai as toddlers.  It was a super fun day for Sojo in the jardin/park, playing on the playgrounds, riding rides, seeing farm animals and just doing what kids, jump, laugh and giggle.

Favorite Unusual Sighting:  Zombies on the Metro.  Yep, you heard it right. Zombies on the Metro.

Favorite foods:  Bread, cheese, wine, macarons, Croque Monsieur (a delightful open faced sandwich...rustic bread, a slice of ham, a slice of cheese and then toasted under a broiler).

Favorite  cafe:  Cesar Paris Ristoranti Italian .  The best pizza and bruschetta in the world. In the world.

We did it all, "just like Bogie and Bacall".  A cruise on the River Seine, the largest flea market in Europe, figuring out the Metro system and squeezing in at the last minute, miles of walking, lighting candles in Cathedrals, Basilicas and Churches on corners, watching Mimes on Montmartre, Shakespeare and Company Bookstore and visiting another playground in Luxembourg Gardens. 

We put over 10,000 steps on daily and Sojo was a trooper.  Rarely, did she complain and only once or twice did she asked to be carried.  She slept through a couple of lunches and the River Seine cruise.  It was a lot of fun seeing Paris with a child of seven.  I can't think of a better way to do it.

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