Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Love Paris in the Springtime...I Love Paris in the Fall

Having been here in the spring and now the fall, I can honestly say that.  However, this fall, is a wee bit cooler than I would like.  The rain is intermittent and seems only drizzly, but it does make for a bit of a challenge for pictures and comfort.  Every time we see the sun peek through and a window of blue appears, I want to shout out for joy. 

I don't know what it is about Paris that attracts me.  Much of it is the history.  I have seen only one semi-modern building that seemed so out of place.  You look at the height and the materials used and you are in awe at it all.  We saw one building with scaffolding and you could see they were not changing it, but restoring it.  That is one of the many things I love about this city.  They cherish their history and preserve it.  And those of us that have the opportunity to see it all, are so blessed. 
Just down the street; maybe 3 doors down, is a plaque that made us realize just how blessed we are to be here and to notice things and people who were here before us.  Just as we were setting out that first day, Dale and I were chatting about our love of Les Miserables and Tara looks up and sees this sign.  

Just what are the chances of something like that?  Victor Hugo, the author of Les Miserables lived here.  He didn't write it until 1862, but I am sure he was thinking about it when he was living on this street.  I know that I have literary thoughts running through my head right now.  Blessed?  We sure are.

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