Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nana's Boot Camp, aka, Kindermusik

Well, we are 5.5 weeks into our assignment of watching Augie 5 days a week, while Mama and Daddy work.  The daycare that Mama and Daddy have chosen doesn't take little ones until they are one year old and walking.  So, we have been doing lots of walking and getting closer to the birthday.

In order to help pass the time, I thought that maybe a local music class might help us out. So, off we went take a trial class and immediately registered the little one.  I would love to share some pictures, but the privacy of the other little ones prevents me from doing so  Here is a website in case anyone wants to check it out.  I highly recommend it.

Now about this "Nana's Boot Camp".  I am the only grandmother there.  This is a class of infants and young mothers.  There are infants from the age of about 4 months to about 16 months in Augie's class. I am guessing most parents are in their 20's and 30's.  Granda went along the first week and plans to help out again next week. It is a 45 minute class and there is lots of music and movement, if you know what I mean.  I am either running after to Augie to make sure he is "gentle" when he wants to touch one of his little friends, or I am picking him up and swinging him or bouncing him to the music.

The name of the class is "Feathers", so one would expect soft tweeting, right?  And, there are lots of bird like songs.  Lots of tweeting and singing. However, the genre of the music varies.  It is exposing him to all kinds of sounds and beats. There are drums, shakers and bubbles with scarves flying.  Augie loves it.  From the moment we open the door and I put him down on the floor, he is happy and joyful.  I wish I had a picture of him to share. He immediately runs over to the drums on the floor and starts his own beat.  He loves the other children and smiles all the time.  You are given your own CD of the music as part of the fee and if I play it at the house, he immediately turns and recognizes the tune.  His little body begins to move.

To say it is not a challenge for a 67 year old grandmother to lift this 23 pound+ little guy and swing him, lift him, chase him and dance with him, would be a lie.  It is definitely a physical challenge.  He falls asleep in the car on the way home and I am right behind him as soon as I place him gently in his bed.  But, to not share that this is a highlight of my week to watch his joy and love for music, would be a disservice to this happy little guy and the program.  He is so energetic, so in-tune with the beat, so interested in other children and the music around him.  He is loved by all as he weaves his way in between the other parents and children. The director and team of this program are so professional and you can see they love what they do.  We are registered for another 7 week session, which will take us into November.  We will see if I have any strength for more after that.  Until then, we will enjoy watching this precious little guy explore new things and make new friends and grow into a boy who enjoys and appreciates music.

Just one week, this little guy will be one year old and here he is, spilling joy wherever he goes.

Photo: Happy boy

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