Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I thought I had posted this from our March trip to Saudi, but I guess I did not....

We have traveled close to 10,000 miles to watch our grand-daughter's first performance in "Alice in Wonderland".

We, or should I say, I...have often commented, or should I say, complained...that we never get to see Sojo in her daily everyday life. We are blessed to get to see her 24/7 during the summer and some Christmases, but the daily grind? Not so much. So, when it was suggested that maybe we might want to come and see her as a "baby pigeon" in Alice in Wonderland, we jumped at it.  Sure, we thought it a bit frivolous and even decadent maybe.  I mean, who does this kind of thing other than the rich and famous?  Okay, so we will be leaving our grand-children with memories and not money when we die.  I personally, think that is far more important.  Let them make their own fortunes...we will spend ours being with them while we can.  So, off we flew to Saudia Arabia to see our star in the play.

We are here for seven days.  So far, we have seen the play two nights.   It is scheduled for three shows and we will be at the final performance tonight and will be filled with the same joy, pride and excitement that we were the first night.

Hours spent researching and booking tickets:  many
Money spent on those tickets: you don't want to know
Hours getting here:  too many
Seeing your grand-daughter in a play for the first time:  ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS

Would we do it again?  God willing and the cricks don't rise...you betcha

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