Monday, March 4, 2013

How Did We Get Here From There?

I haven't blogged in so long, I am not sure I will be able to do it.  But here goes...

Today, the love of my life turns SEVENTY! Did you hear that?  SEVENTY.  How on earth did we get here from there?   I had a small surprise birthday party for him about 10 or so days ago and I toasted him with the following:

We watched Casa Blanca the other night and I sat there on the edge of my seat just waiting for all those infamous lines that we all remember.  I think this movie was made in 1942, one year before Ron was born.  He visited Morocco while in the Navy in the 1960's.  The line I think of most is that "of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine".  Okay, so Boggie said she, but she doesn't fit my story line.  There I am minding my own business, sitting in my 1961 Black Ford convertible with the top down, when this young, handsome and a wee bit more than cocky, auburn haired, beatnik bearded sailor saunters up to my car.  The first words out of his mouth were, "Hi, I'm Ronnie Russell".  Like I didn't know.  I remembered him from high school.  He was 3 years older than me, but come on...prom king, basketball player, class president and class clown.  How could a girl forget him.  Next words..."are you going steady?", "are you available for dating?"  and then, "I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock tomorrow night".  Be still my heart, he simply swept me off my feet.  Classy?  Maybe not.  Gutsy?  He sure was and don't ask me why, but I fell for that line.  The rest was history.

Now, the thing I forgot to mention was that it was a Friday afternoon and I was sitting in the parking lot of a bar, waiting on my mother who was visiting the owner.  Hence the, "of all the gin joints" quote. 

Let's fast forward. Like I said,  I fell for the line, hook line and sinker. We got married, he went to school, we both worked, he got his job with IBM, we had 3 amazingly wonderful kids, they got married and gave us one fantastic son-in-law and two sweet and wonderful daughter-in-law, two super precious grand-kiddos and we lived happily ever after. 

So now, I am getting ahead of the quotes from Casa Blanca.  Let's go back a few years.  While in the Navy, Ron spent 2 1/2 years in the Mediterranean.  Hence, being able to see Morocco.  But, his home port was Villa know...Nice, Monte Carlo, the French Riviera and all those beautiful French babes that I had to hear about for at least the first 30 years we were married.  Babette, Danielle, Simone, Renee.  You get the picture.  He had some really rough sea duty.  He had numerous opportunities to visit Paris while working for IBM.  Each and every time he packed his suitcase I was a little more than jealous.  Paris...come on...the city of lights, the city of love....the city of my dreams.  But, I had to stay home and keep the home fires burning...taking care of the kids.  By the time one left for college, there was another one at home at an age I knew I dare not leave alone for fear their father's bloodline would raise it's wild and crazy head.  So, off he went again.  Until, one year after the kids were all out of the house, he announces that he has to go to Paris "again".  I did not wait for an invitation.  I simply announced to him that I was going.  It was all I had ever dreamed it to be.  And, it was April in Paris to boot.  The Eiffel Tower, The Champs El Elyse, the Arch De Triumph, Monet, the Louvre, drinking Vin Rouge at sidewalk cafes.  Ah, Paris.  Honey, "We will always have Paris". 

I still am not sure how we got here from there.  How did that 22 year old beatnik sailor I met in the parking lot of a bar come to be 70 years old?  I don't know, but "play it again Sam"... it must be, "As Time Goes By". 

It has been a wonderful ride Ron and even though I never imagined being with an old man like you.  I have loved you since before I met you and I will love you into eternity.  As I raise my glass of Vin Rouge,  "Here's looking at you kid!" 

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